Vr city city thumb
Vr city city thumb

The goal of the "Virtual city" project is the development of a comprehensive training SW in an ecologically valid environment of a virtual city, which will enable comprehensive training of cognitive abilities in the target group of healthy seniors. Actively engaging one's own movement while moving in a VR environment presented in VR headset is key for intuitive task control in a population with low computer literacy. The realism of the VR environment eases the facilitation of the transfer of learned strategies to real life.

Vr city city
Vr city city

The virtual city consists of several complex tasks designed to train long-term and short-term memory, planning and other executive functions, navigation, attention, psychomotor speed, and visuomotor coordination. Seniors can train these functions through everyday activities such as planning daily tasks (e.g., a trip to the doctor), shopping, swatting pesky flies in the kitchen, or a trip to an amusement park. In 2020, prototypes of these tasks were tested on more than 60 seniors, and they were met with positive response regarding the simplicity of controls and the entertainment of the tasks.

You can find more information on the website vrmesto.cz

The project is being carried out in cooperation with the company 3dsense s.r.o. with the financial support from the ETA programme of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR), project No. TL01000309.

tacr logo
tacr logo

tacr 3dsense
tacr 3dsense


The contact person for this project is Iveta Fajnarová a Markéta Slezáková. If you are interested in participating in the experiment, click on the email address below and send an email
